Our Strategy, Your Future
We believe in a fact-based, relationship-oriented selling strategy. We see the importance of cultivating relationships with all of our customers.
Relationships, however, will only get you part of the way there. Our insights and analytics provide the information retailers need in order to make the right decisions on listings and trade promotions to achieve the highest ROI for the retailer and brand.
Making the most of the vast data available to us creates a challenge for most brands. We’ve built a comprehensive Business Intelligence platform that consolidates data from all sources, allowing us to navigate through it all with ease. This system is at the heart of everything we do, and how we report back to our valued clients.
Imagine being able to visit the top 150 Natural Product Retailers from wherever you are. PropelVision is our proprietary system that tracks and analyses categories from Natural Retailers that contribute most of the ACV in that channel.
In addition to virtually visiting these retailers on a weekly basis and diving deep into the shelf and off-shelf activity of categories of interest, you can also take advantage of multiple analytics tools that help shape strategy and feedback instantly on how brands score on shelf.
Our retail analytics tools in the Natural and FDM channels are game changers and provide our Account Managers and Clients with the information they need to succeed.
What they say
My little food start-up exploded to $1 million a month in only nine months. This wouldn’t have been possible without Patrick and Jon’s incredible sales leadership and the team they’ve fostered for over 20 years.
Founder/CEO, Love Good Fats
How can what we do, help what you want to do?
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